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✨Rufferral Program✨

To show our appreciation to our valued clients & for trusting us with your precious pets. We're proud to offer our Rufferral Program, where every time you refer someone (family, friend, co-worker, or anyone really) to us, you'll receive a credit of $25. And to sweeten the deal, your rufferral will also receive half off a full day of care. There's no limit to the number of referrals you can earn, so spread the word and let's grow the Fairy Dogmothers pack!

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Make sure they mention your name & that you rufferred them when they contact us! 

Terms, Conditions, and the Fine Print: 

If one has acquired multiple referral credits, only two can be used per invoice. Please be aware that this offer is not valid during holidays, and the terms and conditions may change without prior notice. 


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